How to create FTP Server on Windows with Authentication ?

This tutorial shows how to create FTP Server with authentication on Windows. To create FTP Server follow the steps shown below

  • Activate FTP Server feature on windows
  • Check the ‘FTP Server’ & ‘IIS Management Console’ option in Windows Features Wizard
  • Open Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager
  • Add FTP Site
  • Assign FTP Site Name & Physical Path to the Server where the files will be stored
  • Assign IP Address to FTP Server & check the checkbox to start FTP Server automatically
  • Add user & add it to group ‘IIS_IUSRS’
  • Assign read & write privilege to IIS_IUSRS users for Saraswati Repository FTP Folder
  • Assign Authentication & Authorization for FTP Server
  • Add exception to the Windows Firewall for FTP Server, so that it can be accessible on Network
  • Check from the Browser