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Home About Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy of users is most important at Saraswati Repository. This Privacy Policy Document describes the type of personal information collected & received by Saraswati Repository & how it is used.

Website Log File: This file contain the information of users who have access the Saraswati Repository Website. The Log File includes details i.e., IP (Internet Protocol) Address, Demographic Location, ISP, Date/Time Stamp, No. of Clicks etc.

Cookies: Saraswati Repository uses cookies to provide best web surfing experience on this website. The Cookie file uses information Like Browser, Browser type etc. so that the user when sends another request the Web server can identify & respond to that request easily. The Cookie file is saved on Web Browser when user send it first request to website.

If You wish to disable Cookies on Web Browser, you can do it with individual browser options. More details regarding cookies can be found on browsers’ respective websites.

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